
Useful tools in writing an essay

In the last ARW class, we learned some useful tools to search sources for essay.

I began to using Grammarly for check mistakes with grammar. Grammarly is very convenient tool, because I can shorten the time and don't need to too worry about making mistakes when writing in English.
But I realized that I am sometimes satisfied with correcting mistakes with grammar and don't reconsider the content. Grammarly cannot correct content, so I should not lose my concentration, because the content is most important staff in writing.

And I created Evernote account just now. Evernote is helpful when summarizing the information and preparing the essay. Besides, we can share every note with different tablet terminals.

I use many tools for ARW class, for example, Google plus, Google document, Grammarly, and Evernote. And I also use tools to communicating with friends, for instance, LINE and email.
They are actually very useful, but I'm getting a little tired of relying on the Internet everything I do.
Honestly, I want some rest from the Internet.


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1 件のコメント:

  1. Some teachers in the ELA make their students write their fluency journals in a real booklet which they collect at the end of the year and they only grade it based on whether you did it or not - no feedback from anybody. You wrote this less than five hours ago and not only have I commented on it but I have shared with the world via two different SMS platforms. How meaningful is tech for the writing process to you now?
