I watched this YouTube video.: http://youtu.be/791mJzikfrY
In this video, students and teachers eat bananas and say "We are all monkeys!"
Today, actions like this video is taken worldwide.
The beginning of this is one incident happened in Spain. Last month, one spectator of a soccer game threw a banana to the ground to mock the Black player, but the player ate the banana and continued the game, and his act reserved praise to confronting racism.
And now, many people begun to upload pictures and videos appeared with bananas.
I was impressed by this movement, because I haven't seen such a way of countering racism.
Everyone can laugh it away by participating this action.
I'm glad that this movement has been introduced in ICU too, and I want more Japanese to know this action.
I think most Japanese people are not familiar with racism, and think it like other people's affairs, but this action is easy to take part in, particularly for young people, who are accustomed to the Internet. I hope racism will be stamped out from the young generation.
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