In last two classes, we watched the film, the corporation. In that movie the awful backgrounds of corporations like manipulation of images, shils, immoral patenting, control of media or court, connection with fascism and so on, were introduced.
But actually, I feel like "Well, then?"
I understand that the corporation is bad for public, society, environment and world, but how should I do for it personally?
Though I know that GAP is managing its factories in developing countries with low wages and poor working conditions, but actually I will not stop buying and wearing GAP's clothes.
I know that understanding these conditions is very important, but there is really no end in giving examples.
Coca-cola often be chosen as representing example of corporations, which has awful history in management. But originally, the name, Coca-cola came from coca, the plant which cause intense addiction, and original Coca-cola drink actually contained leaves of coca, which has compound of cocaine.
So what really can I learn from knowing them, and how should I act? I'd like to know that.
You can start by telling others about it.