
In the last RW class, we searched sources for method of presentation and academic writing with a whole class. We found many multi-media resources, and shared with google document.
I'm interested in the academic book, How to Write a Thesis, written by Umberto Eco. I've not yet read this book, but I'll definitely read this book, because the author, Umberto Eco is one of the most celebrated Italian writer, such as the novel, The Name of the Rose. I read the novel, and I really appropriate his profound knowledge and education, and writing skill.
So I'd like to read his How to Write a Thesis in vacation, and learn writing methods.

I felt the crowd sourcing, like we did in the class using the computers, was really efficient and can be used in many tasks.
But I also think that analogue research like doing research at a library has certain merit of not intended meeting. 
Though you can get so much information from the Internet search, the result is limited in related topics.
If you go to a library to find sources, you will pass and take side glances at many shelfs and books which seem not be related to your topic. And sometimes, new ideas or connected topic must be developed through those unrelated fields.
So I think each searching method can be, and should be utilized for different field.


In the last class, we learned what is called research cycle, a method of research and writing which enable writers to improve their writing, through the process of research, establishment of argument, writing, presentation, getting feedback from others, and back to research.

We did first presentation about each topic and exchanged feedbacks in the class, and what I feel is the importance of objectivity in writing.
Academic writing should have clear thesis statement and argument, but I think lack of objectivity might be connected to the lack of meaningfulness of essay.
In order to highlight the justice of claims and for persuade and inspire readers, it is important to consider possible questions or opposite view.
And for it, I think writers have to sometimes read over their article critically, or get feedback from others for further confirmation. 


In the last RW class, we dealt several possible sources for essay, such as Free Range Studios.

As I searched for such visual sources which can be used in my essay about museum, I found the short video,The history of museums in Ted-Ed. 
I'm thinkng about comparing Japanese museums and another country's, possibly Western country's, especially from the aspects of  entrance fee and museums managed by corporations. 
So I'd like to correct sources of general background from such visual information, and more detailed information from documents or books.


We finished watching the movie, the corporation in last RW class, and we discussed about the content of the film.

Actually, I usually don’t watch many documentary films or TV products, so I cannot compare the quality of it with other films, but I think the content was very inspiring, and worth discussing.
For me, it was impressive that the end of the movie, Michael Moore, the director of this film, stated that, by watching this movie, people must be inspired to do action against tyranny of the corporation.
I imagine that certain people has actually been urged to protest against corporations in US and in some other countries, but I don't think that occurs in Japan. 


In last two classes, we watched the film, the corporation. In that movie the awful backgrounds of corporations like manipulation of images, shils, immoral patenting, control of media or court, connection with fascism and so on, were introduced.

But actually, I feel like "Well, then?"
I understand that the corporation is bad for public, society, environment and world, but how  should I do for it personally?
Though I know that GAP is managing its factories in developing countries with low wages and poor working conditions, but actually I will not stop buying and wearing GAP's clothes.
I know that understanding these conditions is very important, but there is really no end in giving examples. 
Coca-cola often be chosen as representing example of corporations, which has awful history in management. But originally, the name, Coca-cola came from coca, the plant which cause intense addiction, and original Coca-cola drink actually contained leaves of coca, which has compound of cocaine.
So what really can I learn from knowing them, and how should I act? 
I'd like to know that.


In the last class, we learned some helpful tools and websites when find sources for essay. One of them is FreeDocumentaries.Org, and this site provide us many online documentary films, including the corporation, which my class is currently dealing with. 
I think this kind of websites are very fascinating, because those documentary films can provide many new ideas and knowledge.

I'm also interested in iTunes U, which gives us many universities' lectures. 
And among those education or learning support services, my favorite one is TED-Ed. TED-Ed provides many short lessons of educational contents, such as construction or origin of stuffs, or brief introduction of issues, concerning culture, religion, history and so on. This service is different from TED presentation in that TED-Ed mainly targets children, and their lessons use well-designed animation. 
But lessons are enough interesting and educative for adults, so I believe it is worth watching.
I think using those video or films as sources for academic essay is very good, but it is often forgotten or underestimated, so I'd like to use these multimedia references consciously in my essay.


In the last RW class we watched the movie, The Corporation, and discussed about the content. In the movie, it was said that corporations manipulate children's eagerness to buy their products by advertisement, and it gives bad influence for them.

I think corporation's advertising for children is OK, and should not be strictly restricted by parents, because through being exposed to those advertisement, children can develop their skills of media literacy. 
These days so much information and advertisement come and go through the Internet and other media, and it is often said that consumers have to develop their media literacy skills. I think this skill can be grown through living in exposure of information. Of course parents and adults have to be careful to separate children from being manipulated by corporations, but I feel it is also dangerous for children to being ignorant of those risks. 


In the last class, we started to deal with essay topic, and learned some useful digital tools for writing.

Today we have so many digital tools and applications for computers and tablet terminals. If I search for new applications, many useful tools come up in an instant.
However, as I reflect that, I wonder how many applications I daily use in reality.
Actually, currently I use less than ten applications on my smartphone in daily life, though I have applications on my interface three times as many as I use.
I feel that digital devices are very useful and can be shortcut on tasks, but if I overuse them, I become overwhelmed by my devices and cannot concentrate on real life, distant from connection or enjoyment through the screen of my smartphone or laptop.
I think how we utilize those tools and applications is different from person to person, and it can be connected to how the person face the daily living.  


Online Writing Support in Japan

Int the last class, we covered many universities' writing help office like Purdue University's or Harvard College's, which are very helpful when write an essay, and some useful tools, such as Analyze My Writing, which automatically analyze my essay.

I found many efficient websites of writing organized by globally prominent universities, which everyone can view and refer to. And this is apparently different from most Japanese universities, because they only provide general information about their writing support system, and no online specific advice or points of writing.
I thought Japanese universities too, need online guide of writing, but not just imitating Western universities.
As I checked the websites of Western universities, I felt that certainly students can learn many points in writing English essays by them, but for me, I need some guide of writing a Japanese essay, too.
Of course I don't need tips of Japanese writing in this RW class or other English classes, but I  sometimes need such guide when I wright a Japanese essay for Japanese class. Actually I got almost no information about Japanese writing through ICU's curriculum, compared to English writing.
I know that writing in English is more important and needed to master as ICU's policy, but I think we need a bit more guide of writing in Japanese, because Japanese students can't avoid it if they live in Japan.
So I think Japanese universities, including ICU, need helpful and useful online guides of writing, which meet the demands of students.


In the last class, we dealt how we can take a short cut in dealing with task by dividing it among a group of people.
Certainly I can save time by dividing works and sharing it afterward, but I found some difficulties at first, to communicate and manage the task with people.

So what I thought is, in order to manage a task efficiently in groups,  we definitely need a leader who organize it. Especially when we have to manage a task with unfamiliar members or members in different grade or status, we need someone who put opinions together.
I have several presentations in classes other than RW class and I have to manage it with four other people, but I sometimes found difficulties in proceeding the task.
I think everyone can do their work easily if they had properly provided tasks, so I'd like to decide one leader first, before proceeding work from now. And hopefully, I want to learn how to manage tasks more efficiently.