I referred this article for the topic;
The Limits of Locavorism.
First, locavorism is the opinion that claims eating food that is grown close to where you live is good to both our health and environment.I think this word matches the Japanese word chisan-chisyo.
This idea seems to great, but as you can see from its title, this article shows its negative side too.
This article reveals that some popular beliefs are not supported scientifically. For example, beliefs like eating locally produced food reduces what is called food miles, so it decrease the greenhouse-gas emission, or it makes us healthier because such food doesn't contain harmful chemicals are denied by analysis.
I was surprised by reading this article, because though I've heard about this idea of eating local food, I've never suspected this idea is actually good or not.
Of course I can't simply say this idea is false and just a belief, but this article makes me want to know more about this topic, and issues concerning food.
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